Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virtual Tour Planning

Objective 2

Explain how volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift affect Earth’s surface.
b. Give examples of different landforms that are formed by volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift (e.g., mountains, valleys, new lakes, canyons). I choose to do a virtual tour for showing different features of the Earth's surface because I figured this would be the best way to really show a 3D view of these places.
Pedagogy: The students will learn through using an interactive map. This map will help them to discover things about the earth's surface by making discoveries of their own. I will be using different features of the earth (such as lakes, mountains, craters, and canyons) in order to show them all the different effects of volcanoes and earthquakes. This interactive map will help them to each discover all of the different places on the earth on their own and work at their own pace.
Technology: The technology I'll be using is Google Earth and its various tools. Using hands-on technology will help the children to become more excited about what they are learning.

Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Hebgen Lake, Montana

(formed by earthquake)
Research how Hebgen Lake was formed and the effect of the earthquake. Measure with ruler how long it is from one end to the other. Use placemarks to show where to measure from.

Ruler, placemark

2.Grand Canyon, Utah

(along earthquake boundaries)
Look up pictures of Grand Canyon and ask children how they think an earthquake could form a canyon like this. Show video on Grand Canyon from You Tube.

You tube,
Placemark, layers, image overlay

3. Appalachian Mountains, Maryland

(along earthquake boundaries)
Look up pictures and formulate own opinion of how these may have been formed. Compare these mountains to canyons from the Grand Canyon. Use layers to show how different in size these mountains are from the Grand Canyon.

Layers, image overlay

4. Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii

(volcano crater)
I will placemark two different sides of the crater in Hawaii and have the children use a ruler to measure the distance between the two ends.

Placemarks, ruler, layers

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