Sunday, December 13, 2009

Final Week

I have completed steps 2-4. Thanks for everything!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Internet Safety

1. I read "Rated A" by Marvin J. Ashton
2. I watched a bunch of different videos on the effects of the internet. Some of these included the child predator fear, cyberbullying, and Katie's story. I feel that they were all on how internet can be a scary tool for children to use, even though it can also be very helpful.
3. I feel that I learned a lot by reading the articles and watching videos on the internet. I really liked the Church articles because it reinforced in me how influential media is in our lives. Satan uses this powerful tool against all of us. I think the huge take-away message from all of these articles and videos is that the internet and media can be very detrimental and have negative effects, but if used properly it is very helpful and beneficial. I need to do a good job of educating my students and future children on how to be safe using the internet.
4. I called my mom to find out what she already knew about cyberbullying and predators online. She told me that she didn't know much about cyberbullying and hadn't heard of it, but she was very aware of predators online. I told her all about the videos that I watched, and she was shocked and really scared. I think after having shared these videos and people's experiences with my mom that she will be even more aware of this happening on the internet and try to keep a lookout if there are children around.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 10

The videos that I watched for this week’s assignment were very informative. I think that the absolute most important thing that I realized through watching these videos was that you can use technology with any grade. In the first video I learned that kindergarteners were very capable of using technology. There were able to use computers in order to communicate with other classes. I believe that if even students as young as kindergarteners are able to use technology, this can definitely enhance student’s learning and each lesson in any grade. It is crazy to me that so many different subjects can all be incorporated into one unit, and technology can also be used to enhance each and every subject. It is also really neat to see all of the standards that are involved in a lesson plan for a unit. I am really glad that they gave examples for resources, and I will try to save them somewhere for future use.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Classroom Technology

I am doing my practicum at Foothill Elementary School in the Alpine School District with the 3rd grade. I feel that there is a good amount of technology available to the teachers that work there. There are 2 computer labs available every day to sign up for that are full of mac computers. The teacher I am working with also has a computer projector in her classroom, which is very helpful. The only thing that I find kind of weird is that there are no computers in the actual classroom. In order for the teacher to use the computer projector, she hooks up her laptop. I completed parts 2 & 3 from the assignment.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Science VoiceThread

Here is my voicethread science project that was explained previously. Sorry but on the first page of the project my voice recording is on there twice!! Enjoy!